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Sonu Raghuwanshi

Software Developer | Open Source Contributor

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Software Developer | Competitive Programmer | Innovator

About me

I am a Software Developer having good experience of competitive programming. I am fond of solving real-life problems. I like paying attention to details and believe in plan and execution. I have good leadership spirit and believe in teamwork, because two heads are better than one.

Sonu Raghuwanshi


Sonu Raghuwanshi
19.5 years
OCA (Java SE 8)
Bhopal, India, Earth

Online Profiles

Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi


“Protons give an atom its identity, electrons its personality.”
- Bill Bryson, A short history of nearly everything


Cyber Security Intern

June 2020 - July 2020

Gurugram Police Cyber Security Summer Internship In this internship, I have made a project Ciminal Records Management using Face Recognition. I learnt to create Phishing pages, Penetration testing, Trojan Attack, DOS attack, SQL injection, Creation of the Backdoor, Session Hijacking, Call spoofing and learned about the tools that are used by cyber police. github/Criminal-Record-with-Face-Recognition


Bachelor of Engineering

Aug 2016 - May 2020

Computer Science & Engineering Going by the name, CSE course deals primarily with the theory of computation and design of computational systems. This course thought me about the computer programming and data strucutres, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science, RGPV, Bhopal


Jun 2015 - Apr 2016

Specialization: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics I graduated high secondary school, where I enjoyed doing Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I have participated in many sports and educational events and ended up getting Best Outgoing Student of our batch. ST. Mary's H S School, Vidisha


Jun 2013 - Apr 2014

Highschool Education My most valuable school experiences weren't academic. It was all about social skills, respect and realizing my potential. On the sports field, I learned about winning and losing graciously. In the classroom, I learned that doing your best counted far more than academic ability. ST. Mary's H S School, Vidisha



May 2018 - Current

Solved more than 350 programming questions I am super admin(college admin) on hacker-earth. I oraganise weekly coding contest in our college on hackerearth. I came to know about hackerearth when I participated in college level coding contest CodingHub2k18.


Oct 2018 - Current

Rated as 3-star programmer I have started coding on codechef in end of 2018. I love solving problems in long challenges. I am trying to get more stars and improving my skills every-day

Smart India Hackathon

Mar 2019 - Jun 2019

Idea was shortlisted in Hardware edition of SIH Smart India Hackathon is organised by Indian government where students across whole India can propose their Innovative ideas in various fields. I tried to improve the road safety and innovated a device named Kavach

TCS - EngiNX

Jan 2019 - Apr 2019

Qualified to the third round(semifinale) of TCS-EngiNX 2019 EngiNX is contest organised by TCS based IOT devices. The main motive of our device is "Health for all", We developed a regular health checkup device. So, that everyone can take a regular health checkup

TCS - Codevita

Sep 2008 - Mar 2011

Qualified to second round(semifinale) in TCS-Codevita season 7 and season 8 Codevita is a competitive programming contest organised by TCS. In it's 7th and 8th edition, I have qualified to second round in both the editions.

TCS - Inframind

Nov 2018 - Dec 2018

Qualified to thrid round(semifinale) in TCS-Inframind Inframind is also organised by TCS, it is based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We have made a assistant chatbot in this contest and qualified to third round(semifinal).

Google Codejam

Jun 2019 - Jul 2019

Qualified the qualifying round of Google Codejam Google Codejam is competitive programming contest organised by Google. I have qualified to the qualifing round. I have also participated in Google Kickstart

College Topper

Aug 2017 - Current

Scored highest marks in the CSE department in 2nd and 3rd year in TIT - Group TIT Group has four engineering colleges. In the 2nd year of BE, I secured 9.27 CGPA and in 3rd year of BE, I secured 9.00 CGPA. I have been awarded as TIT Group topper in CSE department.

Navodaya Talent Search

Sept 2014 - Jan 2015

Secured first position in the vidisha district and qualfied for state level Talent Search contest is organised by Navodaya Educational Society. I have scored the highest marks in whole Vidisha district and selected for the state level test.


“Life without knowledge is death in disguise.”
- Talib Kweli


  • Java SE
  • C++
  • C
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Embedded C
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • Objecet Oriented Programming


  • OpenCV
  • NumPy
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch


  • Tableau
  • SQLite Studio
  • NetBeans
  • IDLE
  • Pycharm
  • Sublime Text
  • Android Studio
  • VM Virtual Box
  • MS Office
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premier Pro

Operating System

  • CentOS (Linux)
  • MAC
  • Winodws


  • Hindi
  • English


“It's always seem Impossible until it's done”
- Nelson Mandela

Real time Weapon detection

Realtime Weapon Detection in CCTV

This system detects the weapon in cctv in real time and alert the user if any weapon is detected

YOLOV3, Google Colab, Python

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Criminal Record Management by Face id

Criminals Record with Face Id

This system stores the record of criminals along with their face id and face id is used to retrieve the information

PHPMyAdmin, Face Recognition, LBPH

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Face Recognition based Attendance

Attendance through Face Recognition

This software marks the attendance of student by recogniting there face. Face recognition is used to retrieve the details

OpenCV, Python, SQLite

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Web Crawler- Keyword Extractor

Web Crawler

This software extracts the keywords form a paragraph. For keyword extraction RAKE algorithm is used. After extracting keywords, it search them on internet and show the results.

Keyword_Extract, RAKE, Python

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Kavach- Hardware Device


This is a hardware device that assists the drivers while overtaking and driving in night. This device reduces the chance of accident and ensure save drives

LIDAR and LDR Sensors, Arduino UNO

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GUI based Attendance Management

Attendance Management System

This software have GUI and this is coded in Java. The main aim is to reduce the use of paper and efforts. SQLite is used to store the data


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Railway Reservation System

Railway Reservation System

This is the replica of Indian Railways Reservation system. This is console based program that allow user to book or cancle ticket.

Reservation System, File Handling, C

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Quiz Game

Quiz Game

This is console based quiz game. In this user gets lifeline like skip the question, flip the question and hint. For questions we have used File Handling

Game, File handling, C++

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Portfolio Website

This is my portfolio website. I have used HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Hope you liked this. Follow me on github for all the updates on project

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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“A scientist can discover a new star but he cannot make one.
He would have to ask an engineer to do it for him. ”
- Gordon Lindsay Glegg

Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi Sonu Raghuwanshi